Saturday, November 15, 2008

A collection of Broken Hearts, Emo Poetry, and Bullshit sad lame free verses.

This is an experimental collection of free verse and half assed attempt at poetry. its obvious during this time i have been going through some rough personal shit, and it bleeds through my words. Feel free to read, be warned, its sad, its emo, its disgusting, its truly experimenting with my own artistic emotions.

A Hero Named Solace:

It's in these times when the night sky becomes my best friend and I look towards the moon for the wisdom to set my mind free from the chains that hold me captive. I seek the knowledge to garner the inner strength to hold onto my own morality. I cling onto the stars with my every breath and pray to the hollow skies for a voice whose existence I doubt more than the folly of this fickle society we call home. It's in these times when I fall onto bended knee and scream to the milky way to pull away its black veil and reveal its naked truth to me. There is beauty in the fallacy of human nature, and I offer you my bare body spread open to the world for the taking. Feed me your shots, I will swallow your abhorrence and bury it deep inside this mangled vessel of my bodily flesh. My mind cannot be bartered, and although I gambled away my heart long ago, my integrity will forever be tattooed on the flesh of my forehead for the world to see.

A plea for help:

this flesh colored corridor is sacred, and I will protect it

with my life, guard it with my bone and brawn, I will not

allow it to be ravished by those unworthy of its splendor.

I will not allow it to perish in the hands of the unworthy,

the self-righteous, self-concerned, the self absorbed.

I will walk away from the pain with a smirk, wipe the blood

from my heart, soak up the sorrow, I will turn the page and

live for tomorrow. I am better than this child in the corner

with salt stained cheeks. he is the enemy, the evil in the world,

he is all I hate about myself. I will rectify these lies painted on

my wrists, I will believe in the only person worth trusting,

I will continue to follow my heart, continue to live by my morals,

my values, my rules. This is my world, and you're just a small

part of a grandiose scheme, a pixel of my superior illustration of life.

Somewhere in this junkyard called existence I will find my happiness.

And I will fight every waking moment of my life to secure it

safely within my weathered and scarred arms.

A Flower Pot Called Love:

this world centers around your arrogance, and the fickle

feathers of your ignorance rests at the bottom

of this cracked flower pot called love,

-or hate,

depending on which side of the blossom you sit.

There's nothing more to the world than the nose

that rests in front of your own eyes. This word 'perspective'

is hollow and empty

and within your arms you carry the plunder

of broken hearts, lost smiles, and salt stained tears.

there is no right outside of your own misplaced needs,

and only the wrong will ever be muttered

from your mouth to others.

so turn your back,

keep your silence, and never give into vulnerability.

Then, and only then,

happiness will be waiting right around the corner,

right alongside your brother loneliness and your sister


A Sick Joke Called Realism:

Cryptic messages tattooed on your chest,
A bright smile filled with confusion
That spews Contradictions,
Spoken with every

Breathe, release, rinse, wash
On the core. On life. On lies. On half truths.
The game begins
With love
With out love
With lies
Half truths
by a foolish boy

Who dreams, sleeps, and dreams some more

Of a clueless girl. Of flower petals
falling from trees
Holding you in a sea
Of clouds, of truth, of purity.

In his dreams, its real. In his dreams
Its worth everything. Even in his dreams

He dreams
Of you.

A whole

There’s a whole
Wet and deep.
That reeks of dirt and worms.
Roots uprooted
From the foolish folly of another.
Filled once
With the life of mother earth
Emptied by the selfishness
Of the one who took to its soil.
Left alone now for all to see
Ripped apart, gaped open to never
Be filled again.

Its days like these
That make me wish I never
Felt the fresh air in my lungs
Where everything spins and you
Sink deep into that terrible place
That took you years
To crawl out of.
It shouldn’t be this way.
But it always is this way.


Its days like these
That make me wish I never
Opened my eyes to this word
And saw it for its true intentions
And felt the black of the night
Cast its shadow
on my heart.
It shouldn’t be this way
But it always is.

Its days like these
Where we toss away are morals
And live day by day
by our selfish needs.
Where you’re fellow man is worth
Only what you can gain from him.
It shouldn’t be this way
But it always is.

Its days like these
Where God died in the hearts
Of our forgotten children
And there ethics are lost
Strung up on the cross
Where Jesus should lay.
It shouldn’t be this way.
But fuck it,
It always is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a very nice post about supernatural. I am a fan of vampire movies and tv series.