Well first let me thank my friend Gary for discussing and replying to my earlier post about Elitism. I don't know too many friends who will even listen to me talk about this let alone reply and discuss it. So I applaud you and welcome hopefully future discussions regarding writing and art.
I think Gary and I have cleared some things up in our previous discussion in my last blog. We largely agree that that genre literature has little or anything to do with a creative writing fiction workshop. I even co-sign your C.S. Lewis example.
So let me first start this new blog by addressing your final question:
My theory of elitism? I really haven’t thought much of it, but as soon as you asked my brain orgasmed (seriously). First let me start by saying it’s definitely one of the harder questions I have ever been asked. Up there with "what is art" which must be noted as being one fucking helluva loaded question.
Okay, my theory of elitism is simple (I hope). Any two bit fuck can write a story. It’s not hard to follow a sequence and create a story. The building blocks are simple and if you have a primary education you can successfully write. When I was in first grade I wrote my first story. I was fucking awful, but it was a story.
So, as we grow so does our knowledge in just about every aspect of the world. We learn and better understand our language; we are exposed to books, movies, and television, all which imbed within our minds bits and pieces of the building blocks of story telling, largely unbeknownst to us we file it away deep into our unconscious. Yes, I honestly think deep down everything we learn about writing and creating narrative is already embedded within our minds through our cultural experience. I really think most people (I’m talking decently educated people, at least with a high school education) all know what the dues-ex machina is. Granted they probably don’t know the fancy term used to coin it, but if they watch the Simpson’s then they have run across it in one of the tree house of horror episodes (amongst about a hundred other massive pop culture medias). If you’ve ever read Lemony Snicket or seen the multi million dollar movie then you have been exposed to the wonders of Meta-fiction. I promise you we all have been exposed to the panopticon, most people just don’t realize it. My point being: its there, you know it, you’ve been exposed to it, most people just don’t realize it.
Okay… maybe this isn’t that simple.
Elitism is the act of digging down deep and cultivating that unconscious knowledge and transforming it into tools to use as writers. Elitist acknowledge that there is more to writing a story then just a sequence of events that are played out through characters that ten year olds can create. They are aware of the underlying ideals, metaphors, theories, all those juicy things that are studied by critics. Elitists know of the multiple lenses you can read any given story with. They study literary theory to find awareness of these lenses, to pick apart stories past just the words on the page, to realize and acknowledge the literary devices used in said story to develop its narrative. They know of Marxism and post-structuralism. They seek out the knowledge and use it not only in reading and responding to texts but to develop and create that of their own.
I know people who have written amazing literary fiction without even understanding the theories they used, or missed out on strengthening the piece because they were unaware. Thus they have the knowledge imbedded in them, they just don’t know what the hell their tapping into.
Man… does this make sense?
Let me digress, my theory of Elitism is that those who seek out the knowledge will be the fore runners in using the myriad of tools that stem from them. You let me open up paint shop pro, and I may paint a little cute picture of a flower, but you give it to someone who has studied the program and they will make you something phenomenal.
This may have to be revisited in the future as my own knowledge expands. For I have neglected to discuss a few key elements of writing that I truly feel need to be brought in. You can be smart as fuck when it comes to literary theories, that doesn’t make you a phenomenal writing. There are some things that can not be taught such as creativity and control. Let me also say that the majority of elitist that I have come across (or those who claim the title of one) can’t write shit worth reading. They are indeed book smart, and they can tear your story a new ass hole, but when it comes down for them to deliver…. Well just wait and see I guess.
Let me go on to say at first, I fucking hated literary theory. But at the same point it was damn interesting. I will once again say I am not an elitist, but that I strive to become one. Hopefully someday…
I will totally agree with you saying that it will be a rough track that I will be pursuing. I will also second the notion that it is damn hard to create a series of fantasy novels that cover both the younger audience yet still appeasing the literary snobs. But let me argue by saying it is not impossible. The Wizard of Oz is a perfect example, and the first to really come to mind. I won’t strain myself to think of more.
I will say that the first novel of mine is not high art, or at least not to my knowledge. I started writing it before I became aware of this higher order of concerns. However it definitely plants the seeds towards many different paths for my characters to take. I have purposely used a lot of “myth” and for those who study and understand it there will be plenty to pick and chew apart. I have little doubt that I can potentially keep the gripping tale and still hit on some very interesting philosophies and personal statements. Hell the core of the series attacks the notion of creation and confronts it through the eyes of a kid. That alone has some heavy weight to it already.
I’m pretty blogged out as for now.
Kudos to