Tuesday, November 6, 2007


This isn't going to be much of a blog, more of a shout out and a push for a good friend of mine who has created an awesome gaming site.


its already getting 300 hits a day and growing.

For those of you who don't know i am an avid gamer and a lot of my fantasy writing is very influenced by the japanese culture that i have been exposed to through role playing games such as the Final Fantasy Series, Chrono Trigger, Suikoden, amongst others.

Currently i am playing:
-Eternal Sonata
-Final Fantasy Tactics (remake for psp)
-Alot of NBA 2k7

And as alway you are able to read the first few chapters of my novel for free through my storefront: www.lulu.com/ackio

if you like what you read you can purchase it online, or if you know me personally get ahold of me, i sell them myself for 15 dollars, and that will benifit us both moreso.

thanks again!

I will be doing a legit post on something within the next few days so keep coming back!
